Monday, January 21, 2013

Happy Anniversary, Roe v Wade

January 22nd marks the 40th anniversary of the Supreme Court decision on Roe v Wade, which essentially said that abortions cannot be banned/outlawed based on the right to privacy in the 14th Amendment.  While being celebrated by women's rights advocates (among many other groups) it has been the bane of others' existence; this led to headed family gatherings and bitter arguments.

What I think is important to remember that being pro-choice doesn't mean "pro-talking-people-into-abortions."  Pro-choice isn't always pro-abortion, but pro-give-women-something-to-choose-from.  Those of us who believe in a woman's right to privacy and the right to choose do not seek to insert ourselves into these situations and talk women into abortions.  No, we want women to look at every choice - adoption, keeping the child, or abortion.  We do not seek to demonize women who are considering terminating a pregnancy (or those who already have), nor to paint them as martyrs or saints.  We want women to make educated, personal decisions - and to have all the options open to them without the unwanted influence of the government, church groups or anyone else who believes they know what is better for a woman than she does.

Anti-choice advocates want to argue that Roe gave women the right to have multiple abortions (so they can slut themselves out, right?), or that most women who did have abortions ended up being depressed and regretful. Well, you know what - people do things that they regret later on in life everyday.  Even decisions that were made after a long length of time, and at the time it seemed right, may end up being "not the best" in hind sight (switching jobs, buying a house, whatever).  Point is, the fact that you MAY regret a decision, doesn't mean it should be outlawed.  If that were the case, maybe we should outlaw DATING (because, really, we all have regrets about that), buying a house, switching jobs, or moving.  Decisions must be made with all the facts and with due process (whatever that may be for her).

Women who terminate pregnancies are not "sluts" (poor decision makers may be appropriate at times).  They are teenage girls who thought the boy "loved" them, or young women who just are not in a place to start a family, or a parent who knows that one more child will push it over the edge, or a woman who was raped at a party, or a female who is always very careful but one night the condom broke, or someone whose insurance refused to cover contraception and even after pulling out and using a condom it just happened.  Or maybe someone who just got carried away one night and made a mistake.  These are the face of evil or what is wrong with the world, apparently according to the anti-choicers.  These women are human beings, just like you, who wish to make a decision related to THEIR body without YOU degrading them or YOU trying to make a decision that YOU have NOTHING to do with. 

And, those that stand outside of clinics or hospitals where women have these procedures, you are scum.  You are further degrading women and it is disgusting.  You are no better and are generally hypocrites.  The decision to terminate a pregnancy isn't something that you do on a whim.  Unless you have been faced with the decision, you cannot speak to the agony that these women or couples go through in making this decision. To put these women or couples through further degradation beyond what they have already put themselves through is inhumane.

Another thing to remember is that Roe not only keeps abortion legal, it keeps it safe.  I never lived in a time when a woman in this situation did not have a safe place to go should they be faced with this choice - although, they may have had to drive several counties over or across state lines for various issues.  However, the history of how this women were medically treated is appalling - back alley (literally) procedures, unsanitary conditions, unlicensed "doctors," or being faced with a wire coat hanger in their bathroom.  This left woman maimed, broken and sometimes sterile.  Remember Penny in 'Dirty Dancing?'  What would have happened to her if Dr. Housman wasn't there?  I am not making light of it, but simply pointing out a very well known demonstration in pop culture.

I understand that people out there who are not supportive of the Roe decision do so for PERSONAL reasons... just like women who may be faced with this decision must make a PERSONAL decision for herself.  Many women who are pro-choice who may be faced with this situation may determine that an abortion is NOT the best route - for her PERSONAL reasons, whether it be medical, religious or otherwise.  But that is the whole point of all of this - it is a choice.  And women should and must be able to have the ability to make a choice that is suitable for HER needs, for her own well being.  It is not something that the general populace or the government or YOUR church should be a part of - this is a matter of privacy and personal decision.

And now, I hope that the Supreme Court continues to value to importance of the 14th (and 9th) amendment to ensure that we (all of us - men and women) are able to make determinations as it relates to our bodies for ourselves.  You want to preach about liberty and freedom, well the Roe decision is primary example of such traits in this country.  No one is forcing you do have an abortion, and therefore, just because YOU don't like it does not mean that it should be outlawed.  That is true privacy and freedom.