Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Becca and the Fragile Girl

As someone who is the perpetually single girl without an attentive boyfriend, and has more than most male friends, some of whom are single (or, at some point during our acquaintance, I knew them when they were single).  Certain types of girls can have a profound affect on the behaviors of most single males, and when they infiltrate groups, things change.  Such girls may be labeled as:

  • Fragile
  • Girly
  • Not balls to the wall
  • Quiet
  • Pretty
  • "The girls who end sentences with the voice influx like they are asking a question"
  • Prissy
I have found that when males get around these types of girls (we will simply refer to them as girls in the post), they totally do a 180 in their personality, become overly attentive to such girls, and seem to all but forget about the other females in the periphery - mainly, those of us who do not fit into these descriptions, or could otherwise be more appropriately tagged as "broads" or "chicks" (in my vernacular, and will refer to them as chicks in this post). Such males literally completely reverse their previous inclinations.  The girl could be standing there in a long sleeve shirt, and they would willingly give the shirt off their back if she were to give the slightest hint of being chilly (not cold, chilly).  While, the other chicks standing around are in short sleeves and just as chilly (or probably more so because she was in short sleeves).  These chicks have even walked away, and the guys don't even notice she was missing because they were so smitten with the fragile girl. I am not saying the chicks needed the shirt or that it should have been offered to her (if she was really that cold she could have asked for it), but I am simply pointing out the fact that these boys rushed to make sure these fragile girls are comfortable/safe/whatever without the consideration of the other chick. I've given my jacket to a dude before b/c he was a wuss and was cold (not chilly, cold), so that is not nearly the point.

What is this fascination?  Is it the fact that it is not something that they see everyday so they are just totally infatuated with a girly girl?  I mean, if you were looking for a girly girl, why would you be hanging out with a chick?  For serious.

In case you didn't realize it, chicks have the same body parts that these girls do - and, don't tell me that chicks don't show off their assets.  We just don't take an hour flat ironing our hair every day or speak in quiet tones or keep our opinions to ourselves.  We may not act "feminine" by conventional definition - we love sports, we can discuss any action flick, we don't take crap from people, we tell it like it is, etc - but we are girls.  Just because we are brash and ballsy, doesn't mean we don't embrace our girl power (and in my opinion, I don't think girly girls really embrace their girl power, but their fragile femininity - big difference). We may not wear dresses, but we like jeans that make our asses look good, or tops that indicate DefCom3.  We are our own kind of feminine - the kick-ass, ballsy type.  Not the fragile feminine type. So what is the obsession with the girly, pink-loving, fragile kind?


  1. Heyyyy ... *some* of us flat-iron our hair so it doesn't look like a hippie-dippy mess. NOT EVERYBODY CAN BE BLESSED WITH BLONDE, PIN STRAIGHT HAIR, YOU KNOW. :) :) :)

    But, no, definitely don't spend an hour on it. ;)

    And I have the same question. Then again, the guys I've always been drawn to have never really had a lot of patience for fragile girls. Which has, fortunately, worked to my advantage.

  2. While there may not be patience for them in the long run, there is certainly a certain level of being smitten with them at the outset. THEN they realize there is no patience.

  3. And, its not even dude we may be attracted to; just dudes in general that you surround yourself with.
