Monday, February 16, 2015

I saw "Fifty Shades of Fucked Up" this weekend...

And. It. Was. Terrible.  On so many levels. The only reason we saw it was because we were able to see it *together.* Three catchphrases: "Ew" - at an unexpected sniffing by Christian Grey; "That was the worst movie I have ever seen" - before the credits even started; "What the fuck?!" - a certain side view. We even came to the conclusion that Christian Grey IS Patrick Bateman.

It was just bad and even the expectation of soft core porn was not met.  The sex scenes weren't even that good, man. Not to mention, it is just really just fucked up.  Yes, movies are supposed to be entertainment, but when people go to see a movie expecting an education in a lifestyle choice and THAT'S what you get... there is a problem. So, here we go:

First, it was just BAD. There was no "eye catching" or "sit up in your seat and pay attention" or "wow, such sexual tension" moment.  Examples: the library scene in "Atonement;" the whistling scene in "To Have and Have Not;" Dom taking care of Letty as they are working on cars in "The Fast and the Furious;" etc.... All around a boring script that goes from meh-ness, to spanking, to wah-ness, to ropes, to outright terrible.

Really, Dakota Johnson in this movie is only slightly better than Kristen Stewart's emotional range.  And, I love me some Jamie Dornan - he is a beautiful man and I love how is accent slightly comes out at times - but he is not a fitting Christian Grey.

This is not meant to be a view of a healthy and mutual relationship.  Sure, there are type-A people in relationships with non-Type-A folks, but there is usually a complement there. This relationship is controlled by a narcissistic sociopath who wants it his way or no way and wants to inflict pain to punish, not for mutual pleasure. Not to mention if you break into a girl's apartment, it's breaking and entering; if you sell a girl's car without telling her, that's theft; if you give a girl a laptop and car to persuade her to abide by your rules, you are basically making her a prostitute. FYI - not cool.

And, ultimately, as far as I know (I am not claiming to be an expert, but I have google and have talked to people who may or may not have participated in it), it is not indicative of a BDSM lifestyle. To each his own man, especially in the bedroom, but what happens in the bedroom should be a mutual understanding and sharing of desires. Be dominant; be submissive; lady in the street, freak in the bed... go for it - but when it is expected for a partner to submit to the other for things like where to go for dinner, and if you get off on inflicting pain for punishment and the other person doesn't like it THAT IS ABUSE.

Not to mention, there seemed to be a theme that liking BDSM is a result of an abusive, traumatic or fucked up childhood, which I also think is a poor message. Engaging in this in the bedroom or is a piece of a mutual loving and understanding relationship, doesn't necessarily mean that there is a dysfunctional relationship. In fact, finding a place where you and your partner can ultimately trust each other and share something that you both enjoy is a key part to a happy and healthy relationship. However, the way Grey manipulates, controls and inflicts pain to punish is demonstrative of being fucked up or just being a bad fucking person. 

It may not be your bag, but not everyone is into the same thing. That's cool - do you. But, participation needs to be mutual rather than imposed.

Bottom line, the story is ridiculous and the movie was the worst. Carry on.

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