Thursday, January 5, 2012

12 Days of Christmas - Bex Style

January 6th is Epiphany (the 12th day of Christmas), so I came up with my own 12 Days of Christmas.  It is a pseudo take on the "Wish List" that got me in trouble in college.

On the 12th day of Christmas my true love (me) gave to me: 

Twelve badass adventures leadin' up to the big 3-0;

Eleven winnin' the Chase;

Ten times more fun;

Nine Willem Dafoes Riverdancin';

Eight glasses of RonRon Juice;

Seven nights a week with a hot (and smart) man (Anson Mount for serious at the top of the list - but I am also down with Bradley Cooper, Jeremy Renner, David Wright, John Cusack, Ike Davis, Chris O'Dowd, Colin Firth, Colin Farrell, Kenny Chesney or a dude with a fabulous accent);

Six points that were robbed in the Sugar Bowl;
Five goooooold rings (one each for my Hokies, Mets, Jets, Isles, and Knicks);

Four awesome nights in VEGAS;
Three healthy babies for those in my life;

Two kick-ass Kenny and Tim (and Jake Owen and Grace Potter) concerts;

And a Becca-fabulous year!

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