Saturday, August 18, 2012

When you come to a fork in the road - take it.

As I wrapped up my trip to VA, I realized that I am on a much different track than other people in my life.  At first I thought many of those around these parts were living in the past - surrounding themselves with people from high school, and having lives revolve around their kids. They just didn't seem like they were moving forward, but staying stagnant.  Then, I realized - I am more the one living in the past.  I am still living the single life even as I push 30.  I don't have a boyfriend, nor do I want one.  I don't have kids, and I sure as hell don't want them now.  I still rent and do many things on my own - because I can. 

I took a fork in the road and I took it.  I could have decided that I wanted to stay for that him, get married and pop out babies (because I knew he wouldn't leave with me).  I could have pushed to fix that relationship in grad school, but I thought it would slow me (and him) down (and we were dysfunctional, but that's another story).  I could have given in alot more to that certain kid in order to make it easier for him, but then that just wouldn't be me. So now he has a gf that feels "respected and loved" - I can either say "you're welcome" or realize that maybe her definition of respect and love are very different from mine. And if that's the case, I feel sorry for her. 

That was the fork I took - I demand the world in return for my life plan to change.  Until you can offer me that, I am not going to budge.  Those people that took the other fork appeared to have gotten their "world" or at least followed their game plan.  They dreamed of a husband and kids when they were growing up, I dreamed of a being a powerful career woman changing the world and livin' it up.  Forever.  The only reason I would think about getting married would be the awesome party I wanted to throw; the only kids I thought that may live with me would be the kids who came to visit me for the summer.  I guess that's the road I am on for now.  Well, probably forever. 

Just because people's idea of the 'world' or their acceptance of the 'world' they were faced with is different than mine, doesn't mean they are going in circles or idling, they just took a different fork.

I took mine.

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