Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Promotion! New agency! And I am freaking out!

ICYMI: I got a new job.  I have been with OGS as an Agency Labor Rep since May.  I accepted a promotion at the Department of Environmental Conservation as an Agency Labor Rep 2. It is a small office - it is an ALR3 and me (and a Director who oversees other things).... And. So. I. Am. Freaking. Out.

Back during the interview process, this was the first interview where NONE of the cookie cutter questions that college and our future-grooming tried to prepare us for were asked.  The questions were all about my experience - a bit of a surprise for me.  Before this, promotions were a natural progression and changing fields was a new experience where my skills was all I needed (and not necessarily subject matter knowledge).  But, now, I am expected to know what the hell I am doing, and do it at a higher level. I have been in the Labor Relations field for 9 months, and during the interview I realized how much stuff I actually DID and that I actually (kinda) knew what I was doing. 

It is invigorating and unnerving, scary and exhilarating.  I know I can do the job, and I know I will be good at it because I like what I do, but this is the moment where adulthood actually slaps you in the face.  No panic, but clear anxiety that will pass once I walk in there the first day.  Charismatic, goofy, ridiculous Becca will arrive and knock their socks off.  Maybe the best thing I have going for me is that I can openly admit that I am feeling this, because I don't know if 25  year old Becca would have been able to.

Emotions or feelings of uneasiness or anxiety are not a sign of weakness - just find a way to harness them and turn it into positive energy and motivation to kick ass at whatever you need to face.  So, all you crazy kids out there, embrace whatever emotions you are having, conquer the fear, confront the anxiety and turn it into a power play.

So- I am going to ninja kick this job!

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